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경쟁이 목적이 아닌 모두가 자신의 개성을 표현할 수 있는, 모두가 주인공이 되는 무대를 만든 페스티발입니다.

최고의 무대 퀄리티와 사진, 영상을 남길 수 있는 무대를 준비할테니 여러분은 그 무대를 즐겨주세요!

이 무대의 주인공은 당신입니다!

It is a festival where everyone can express their individuality, not competition, but everyone becomes the main character. We'll prepare a stage where you can leave the best quality, pictures, and videos, so please enjoy that stage!

The star of this stage is you!

Entry is Closed!

Date : 2023.9.16. (Sat)

Registration Opens : May 17th (Wed)

Registration Closes : July 16th (Sun)

Final Player Announcement : July 28th (Fri)

Special Guest

Low Pole / Exoticpoledance / Aerial Hoop

Line up

Exoticpoledance / Aerial Hoop

It will be revealed.


Buy your tickets!

​좌석은 임의로 배정됩니다. (선착순)

Seats are allocated at random. (Order of purchase)

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